Musala Soft awarded for successful economic relations with Bavaria

30 May 2017

Musala Soft awarded for successful economic relations with Bavaria Musala Soft awarded for successful economic relations with Bavaria

During the annual Bavarian Evening, organized by the German-Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Musala Soft received the recognition “Bulgarian business with economic relations in Bavaria 2017” by the Bavarian Representation in Bulgaria.

Musala Soft was honored for its successfully established partnership with the German leader ESG Elektroniksystem und Logistic GmbH. The prize was awarded by Dr. Marcus Witman, Head of International Economic Relations Department.

“A strategically important part of Musala Soft’s expertise is concentrated in software development for the automotive industry. The company’s 15-year history on the German market and partnerships with companies such as T-Systems and Cellent naturally lead us to one of the hottest spots in the global automotive industry – Bavaria. From tracking of goods, through automotive assembly systems to “connected cars” and autonomous driving, Musala Soft has enriched and developed its portfolio of Bavarian automobile projects over the years”, said Kraicho Kraichev, Technical Director at Musala Soft.

The collaboration between ESG’s Automotive Unit and Musala Soft’s team expands our capabilities and changes our insights into the future by developing new functionalities and connecting different aspects of our lives. The modernization of the automotive industry and the way we use cars in our everyday life changes with fast and dynamic speeds, bringing us closer to the shared vision of connected mobility and highly automated driving.