Encho Mishinev, Part of CodeIT Team Won the John Atanasoff Award 2017

10 Oct 2017

Encho Mishinev, Part of CodeIT Team Won the John Atanasoff Award 2017 Encho Mishinev, Part of CodeIT Team Won the John Atanasoff Award 2017

On October 10th, at an official ceremony in the National Emblem Hall at the Presidency of the Republic of Bulgaria, Encho Mishinev, part of the CodeIT team at Musala Soft and Anton Shikov, a teacher at the School of Informatics “Shikovi” and a leader of the Bulgarian National Team of Informatics were acknowledged with a John Atanasoff diploma – students and their teachers“, for outstanding achievements at international student Olympiads in Informatics and Information Technologies.The award was handed by Mr. Rumen Radev, President of the Republic of Bulgaria.

A former student at the High School of Mathematics „Atanas Radev” in Yambol and currently a student at Cambridge University, Encho Mishinev was awarded with a John Atanasoff diploma, following his ranking at number 7 in the chart of the Top 100 best young programmers in the world. His former achievements include two gold and three silver medals at international contests which contribute to Bulgaria holding sixth position in the world by number of medals at the International Olympiad in Informatics.

Enchо Mishinev started his professional career as a software engineer at Musala Soft. Being part of the CSLab team at the company, he participates in the organization of CodeIT – one of the oldest private contests in informatics in the world and the most elite private international contest in informatics in Bulgaria with 18 years of history. The new season of CodeIT 2017/2018 will start on October 13th. This is one of the longest lasting initiatives of Musala Soft, part of the CSR policy of the company and the strategy to encourage everyone interested in algorithms, programming and information technologies.

Musala Soft believes that high-quality and effective education and the creation of opportunities for IT talents to excel, inspire the drive of young people to contribute for the better future of the software industry. Encho Mishinev is the third employee of the company, who carries the prestigious John Atanasoff Award. In 2011 and 2013 Haralambi Haralambiev and Dimitar Ivanov received a „John Atanasoff” diploma for the successful implementation of scientific research in practice and the fulfillment of projects with high social impact by young scientists.

More about the John Atanasoff Award: http://president.bg/cat37/

The award of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria “John Atanasoff”, established by the name of the inventor of the first electronic computer – the famous scientist of Bulgarian origin John Atanasoff, has been handed since 2003 as an acknowledgement of the personal achievements of the young Bulgarian scientists, students, and professors working in the field of informatics and information technologies. The honorees of the „John Atanasoff“ award are chosen by a dedicated commission, including leading scientists and practitioners in the area of ICT.